First print-run of The thirteen-month year sold out in two weeks!
Åsa Linderborg’s polemical and brave literary diary, ‘The thirteen-month year’ is the talk of the town this late summer in Sweden, and opinions are as numerous as its readers. The book is flying off bookstore shelves and topping best seller lists. Over 7000 copies have been sold in two weeks and a re-print is in progress!
“The thirteen-month year is packed with spreads for those who wish to discuss the spirit of the times, life, politics and love. Åsa Linderborg is intellectualy inviting and generous” (…) “What shapes a human being? What determines their choices? Their decisions and wrongdoings? There is a thrilling and vivid pace in her daily notes.” Gunilla Kindstrand, Svenska Dagbladet
“Åsa Linderborg’s perspective on the chaotic year in media 2017 – 2018, is
inalienable” Amanda Svensson, Aftonbladet