Lena Andersson no. 3 on the Swedish bestseller list for April!
Lena Andersson’s new novel Svea’s son is on third place on the official Swedish bestseller list for the month of April. The book was published on the 12th of April and apart from selling extremely well, it has also received excellent reviews. A selection below:
“…what unites the two Esther novels and Svea’s Son is the issue of being true to oneself, of daring to and being able to. And what this modern possibility of truth – we might call it self-realization – demands to become possible. A society with a strong state? Trust? Inner stature? … This spring, the author Lena Andersson is travelling around as if on her own campaign trail, talking about the book. It is sure to cause interesting discussions – this is a novel that calls out to a collective readership. SVT
“This is what makes Lena Andersson a great novelist: time and again, her characters defiantly find a mirror in which they begin speaking in the author’s own voice, from a powerful inner urge.” Svenska Dagbladet
“It is gripping – and wonderfully contradictory – how Ragnar in time finds solace and pleasure in consenting to the ‘idea that you are what you say and feel that you are, and that everything is subjective and relative’. And in the end, Ragnar paints flowers on his geometric woodwork.” Expressen