Rave reviews for US edition of After the Monsoon
Robert Karjel’s After the Monsoon has received a number of excellent reviews since it’s publication this summer.
“So it’s refreshing to find the action in Robert Karjel’s “After the Monsoon” set in a place that is the opposite of Sweden: Djibouti, a “little thumbnail of land” where the Horn of Africa meets the Gulf of Aden, and two plotlines converge.[…] Every corner of this rich, rewarding novel features one or another subversion of stereotypes — the Somali-Ukrainian lounge pianist who’s a superb spy, the bookish tween girl who’s braver than her alpha-male father — chief among which is that the main character is gay. But there’s even a wrinkle to that twist: It turns out that Grip is actually bisexual, creating some interesting dynamics.[…] Karjel’s characters, however, are nuanced, their relationships complex and the background texture evocative; his subversions are of a delicious flavor.”
– The New York Times
“After the Monsoon is an engrossing, intense, and suspenseful multi-layered thriller set in the Gulf of Aden and the Horn of Africa. From the tension-filled opening chapter, to the escalating conflict, and the palpable sense of dread sustained throughout the story, readers will be kept on the edge of their seats until the final page. […] Robert Karjel has done an outstanding job of penning an intricately plotted novel one wants to read in its entirety without taking a break. He has created complex and nuanced characters, and the motivations behind their actions are understandable and plausible. He has also achieved the perfect balance between action and relevant backstory, along with skillfully interweaving multiple story lines. Many of the surprising twists and turns will keep readers anticipating what will happen next.”
– Best sellers world