
Magdalena Hedlund
+46 70-669 05 68

Simon Häggström

Simon Häggström is a police detective specialized on prostitution and human trafficking at the Department of National Operations (formerly the National Crime Agency). After graduating from the Stockholm Police Academy he worked as a narcotics officer in central Stockholm, but has focused on the sex trade since 2009. Simon is a well-known contributor to the public debate and a sought-after lecturer on the subject of prostitution and human trafficking, in Sweden as well as abroad. He has previously published the nonfiction books Shadow Law (2016) and Night City (2017).


Facebook: Häggström

Published books


15 sep 2023

Pre-review of The Hundredth Woman

A fantastic pre-review of upcoming novel The Hundredth Woman was published by BTJ this week pointing out author Simon Häggström’s extensive commitment and ability to create deeply touching and educative suspense. "This is a heinous reality that has been been transformed into affecting suspense literature. It keeps you on pins...

14 sep 2021

A Nordic deal for Simon Häggström

After over 60 000 copies sold in Sweden, HarperCollins has acquired the Nordic rights to Simon Häggström’s series about The Human Trafficking Unit. The first installment in the series will be published in Denmark, Finland and Norway in 2022.  “We are looking forward to publishing Simon Häggström in Denmark. He writes...

13 jan 2020

Simon Häggström shortlisted for the Adlibris Award!

Simon Häggström's fantastically gripping crime novel THOSE WHO RAN is on the shortlist for the Storytel Awards AND on the shortlist for the Adlibris Award! See more and vote here:…Happy and proud agents!

13 maj 2019

New release: Those Who Ran

”We face this darkness all of the time. We try to light a candle. Often it gets put out, but sometimes we succeed and get a flame. That’s a feeling that cannot be measured in money or wealth.” Simon Häggström and his book THOSE WHO RAN is on a six...

20 dec 2018

Simon Häggström to Hedlund Agency

In the spring of 2019 his first novel – based on real events and the first in a series – will be published in Sweden by Harper Collins Nordic. Now, he joins Hedlund Literary Agency.   Simon Häggström has been a detective for 10 years, specializing on prostitution and human...